A relative of the mulberry tree, the fig tree is a member of the Moraceae family. I’m not sure during which season I did that. Figs can be either grown as half-standard or bush trees (including those grown in pots). Remove all the soil from the roots. Its growth was stunted until I pot-up(late July) from 10 gal to 20 gal. It also depends on how much light and how warm it is and it looks like you get plenty of light so if it is warm it is probably growing pretty good and where ever you cut it, it will sprout out below where it has been cut. 13 years in one container ? How to Prune Fig Trees . Also, mine unexpectedly started to bud! It's at the maximum size that we can handle as far as bringing it in every year to store in the garage and it's actually a bit too big now, which is why I'd like to reduce it down a bit. Or is it in ground ? Way too many small branches breaking from all these cuts? The initial pruning is similar to training other bush top fruit such as apples and pears. Sick plants are stressed plants. If you cut the top off it will branch out if you cut the side shoots it will shoot up but be lanky so if symmetry is your goal I would be careful how far back I cut any one branch. Sorry if I'm not understanding - I've been gardening for 25 years but I've had a phobia about pruning and have avoided doing it so I'm not only hesitant to do it, I'm also clueless as to how!! Is it really bad to root prune either during the summer or autumn or does it have to be just before they start the new season's growth? They usually come 48” (120cm) long and can usually be cut in half and serve as a pair. In many cases, we can judge whether or not a planting needs watering by hefting the pot. And so I did/tried. Prune asap. If your tree suffers from root congestion, it's habit is to lose interior leaves (those close to the trunk) and resist back-budding. Using a 'tell' Over-watering saps vitality and is one of the most common plant assassins, so learning to avoid it is worth the small effort. Hello A1 and everyone for their great advice about root pruning figs, you have answered many questions for me! Routine pruning is a part of caring for fig trees, because it helps the plants focus energy on fruit production and keeps the branches strong. You ARE talking about Ficus carica, the hardy fig - yes? I use various tools that are specifically designed for root work because I repot up to 100 deciduous trees each spring, + the evergreens and tropicals that come in May and Jun/Jul, respectively. Studies show that at about the time once the root mass colonizes the container to the degree that it remains intact when you lift the plant from the container, that growth is affected - permanently, unless you correct the condition. I've read about fig relatives having CRAZY aggressive roots, so this all makes sense, but... it's very surprising to learn how vigorous these plants are. I took a 5 foot panache 3 gallon to about a coffee mug sized root ball, but the root ball had excellent form now. , Priority shipping a 55 gal? With new cuttings, it depends on how many nodes produce leaves. Mehr erfahren. In areas where there is no danger of freezing, repotting in fall after leaves fall is fine, as are spring repots. Root congestion and crossing/circling/girdling roots that occur once the roots have, at any point, become congested to the point that the root/soil mass can be lifted from the container intact permanently affects growth and vitality - until/unless corrected. The focus in pruning your fig tree at this point is on training it to remain a compact plant. I agree with NOT root pruning now, but be careful to keep this one from drying out, and give it extra fertilizer as well. Thanks once again. Usually, the first time you cut a pant back hard, it will produce multiple basal shoots and you can thin them to whatever number you want. Prune at three key times of the year: ...Also I read fig tree roots grow mostly in the first 6-12 inch of soil. Loosen soil around the root and cut away any strong thong like roots to encourage a fibrous root system. This will help keep your plant healthy. You can use a bamboo skewer in a pinch, but a wooden dowel rod of about 5/16” (75-85mm) would work better. Sharpen all 4 ends in a pencil sharpener and slightly blunt the tip so it's about the diameter of the head on a straight pin. There are many situations where you might want to prune a fig tree. That's why I wanted to pull the tree from the pot and check.. which resulted in the question. Ficus c is very vigorous and will usually grow best if you root-prune annually, every other year if you wish to push the interval. Avoid pruning during hot weather, as the tree needs all its resources to thrive during the heat. I may at some point. --If I'm correct I think this would contrast to other trees like pine that I've heard don't send roots very deep but send them mostly laterally in shallow soil? They're just starting to peek out tho, so is it still ok to prune? ;o). Based on your location I would expect that your tree is fully leafed out. You won’t be sorry! By the time I had to get it indoor for winterisation(Nov), I could see the aggressive roots grown into ground. I have a fig tree that’s probably 9 ft tall that I saved from certain death 13 yrs ago. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at this process and help you learn how to properly prune your fig tree or bush. Those links are very informative. Removing 50% or more of the roots means you need to reduce water evaporation through leaves to almost nothing. If so, when is the best time, how much to cut the roots and should I do it annually? You want your fig tree to direct its energy to root development rather than to getting bigger. For appearance, if you allow the weaker branches to extend to a greater length than the stronger branches (through summer) before you prune them, it will fatten them up and also balance energy. Plants like maples, rhodies, others that maintain a shallow root system do so because that's where they find air (the biggest reason) water and nutrients in greatest abundance. They didn't work well for me. I have several young fig trees that I would prefer to develop into bush form. While I'd love to get them, I don't mind if I don't get any figs this year - my main concern is keeping the tree healthy and growing for the future. W/o seeing your tree, I think I would look at the branches near the top of the tree to see if any of those are inordinately thick and threatening to take over as the most vigorous (form the new leader) or are getting much thicker than lower branches you want to keep. I don't want those minerals constantly accumulating. I am in the Hudson Vally of New York, zone 5b. That's why I wanted to pull the tree from the pot and check.. which resulted in the question The tree has not produced a lot of leaves and no new side branches. How It Happens, and When and How to Prune, See How Fiddleleaf Fig Trees Can Liven Up Your Decor, Rejuvenate Your Home With Deep-Rooted Traditions, How to Prune Your Flowering Shrubs for the Best Blooms, The Beauty of Bonsai — Living Art, Rooted in Harmony. Once you set the roots in the right direction you should be able to keep more of them after pruning. By the way, my soil is a mixture of potting soil (50%), perlite and bark (50%) so any constructive criticism there is welcome as well. and, you live where? They bear most of their fruit on new growth, so even if you prune like a chainsaw masochist, the tree will bounce back with new growth followed by some sort of edible return. Pruning is recommended only during the initial years when trees should be trained according to the use of fruit, such as a low crown for fresh-market figs. I assumed that, like with a rose for example, if I cut back to an outward facing node/bud, a new branch would form. Don't worry, it won't harm the root system. So, have anyone kept a fig tree in a container and had to cut back the roots? Stress is a condition that can be caused by interference in the plants ability to manage or allocate energy in the manner it normally would, or by the plant operating at or near its genetically programmed limits. Those plants that are normally shallow rooted in in situ situations will happily and completely colonize soil with roots, even the deepest containers. I can store up too 1000 gallons at any one time. It's just like a tree, with one, single trunk then it splits to 3-4 large branches, with a canopy of smaller branches coming off of each one of those. Some pruning may be necessary in winter, when these deciduous trees are dormant: Stress is reversible, but if unchecked will lead to strain, a much more serious condition. This is especially true if the pot is made from light material, like plastic, but doesn't work (as) well when the pot is made from heavier material, like clay, or when the size/weight of the pot precludes grabbing it with one hand to judge its weight and gauge the need for water. Pruning and training. Fig Pruning . I am about to repot my figs trees. Just push the spade down as far as it goes, lift it right up, then move right up to the edge of the last dig and do the same....all around the tree. In a good way. have you tried to grow plants in the bags before. C’. Just dropped my trees in drums last fall. How quickly do roots grow ? I put about 30 to 40 holes in the middle and lower part of the pot. Obviously, the lack of oxygen in the root zone situation can wreak havoc with root health and cause the loss of a very notable measure of your plant's potential. It's a marsaille and it's a tree form, about 5 feet tall with a nice canopy of branches. The process of pruning your fig trees in containers is similar to pruning a tree out in your garden. When is the best time to do this? I had a tree that I forgot to root pruned early last season. Sort of like "If you build it (a good soil), they (roots) will come". This will allow the tree to focus on developing its roots and becoming well established. As the tree reaches maturity, the only pruning a fig tree needs is occasional removal of dead branches, as well as any suckers growing at the base of the tree, sapping its energy. The best time to undertake root work is while the tree is dormant, and immediately before budswell (in areas where the actual soil temps may drop below freezing). Pruning now will cause you to lose many of the leaves. Keep in mind new roots are the most sensitive to chill injury and are first to succumb to chill injury at below freezing temps. Back then... who am I kidding, I STILL overthink and over-engineer things (again, I'll reference attracting buzzards last year with my odd fertilizers). Al, Encourage gorgeous blooms year after year with this time-tested advice on how to prune your rosebush in winter for health and shape, Strike a dramatic chord in a minimalist scene or a country note in a rustic setting — fiddleleaf fig plants harmonize with any style, Crispy brown leaves are a sure sign that Jack Frost has been to your neighborhood, The tropical houseplant with big green leaves adds a cheerful and striking design element to rooms, Give the subtle energies and spiritual side of your home some attention, and watch newfound calm and beauty blossom, A full form and delicious fruits make this Middle Eastern tree a favorite in gardens around the world, Less is often more when it comes to properly pruning flowering shrubs. If you must do it though, you can, but it would require you to build something of a mini-greenhouse. Lisa - you should remove branches en total, or you'll end up with a branch coming off each stub for every node on the stub + whatever adventitious buds develop. It would be easier for you if you allowed multiple stems and undertook a 3-year cycle of maintenance (sometimes called 'rejuvenation') pruning. A good thread with more about root-pruning. I just want to know how to eliminate the leafless branch parts of my weeping fig. A full repot is inherently damaging because you will be removing 1/3-2/3 of the plant's root mass. Within a very short span the tree's vigor improved & was noticeable via new branching. or do I need to do some thing more. Hahahaha!! Keep moist for the first two weeks to help the tree settle in. Thanks so much and sorry for being a pain! Leave it a few seconds, then withdraw it and inspect the tip for moisture. They are fully dormant but it is winter not early spring. I would like to prune it hard and try and get it to grow straight. I just want to check one thing however, timing. Proper nutrition is also important. This will be a severe pruning: You will reduce its size by about one half. How does one develop multiple stems? Saw the bottom 1/3 of the root mass off with a sharp pruning saw. This will speed up ripening. Is tis true and in what direction do the grow more down or out,? Is that correct? I have my Fig trees planted in Pots which is 8 gallons each. For most plantings, withhold water until the tell comes out dry or nearly so. At pruning time, just before dormancy break, dig straight down along the tree's drip line. In addition, it is heat-tolerant and self-pollinating. If you prune a branch back so there is 1 healthy leaf left on it, then cut that leaf in half & wait, you'll get back-budding proximal to (toward the trunk from) the half leaf. Watering in small sips leads to avoid over-watering leads to a residual build-up of dissolved solids (salts) in the soil from tapwater and fertilizer solutions, which limits a plant's ability to absorb water – so watering in sips simply moves us to the other horn of a dilemma. Best time to repot F carica is in the spring immediately before or at the onset of budswell. I got the tree from Figary last fall. If you're conflating repotting as potting up (a pot size), the answer is, potting up can be undertaken any time of year, so long as aftercare is appropriate. Maybe WillsC will let me use his usps account and ill priority ship them to you! Push the wooden tell deep into the soil. This loss of sap can weaken the plant and in extreme cases may cause death. I would like to take a moment to express my appreciation to the late Dr. Alex Shigo for his works, which have helped distill my understanding of stress, as opposed to strain, and vitality as opposed to vigor. Protect from frosts during the first and second year. While pinching and pruning will work whether the tree is root-bound or not, you won't get much of a bang unless there is room for roots to run in the pot. It's up to us to provide the cultural conditions that will ensure our plants' vitality. Am I correct in my understanding that now is NOT the right time to prune roots before returning to the same pot? I did misunderstand your intent. Vigor is the genetic potential every plant is encoded with, and its measure is the plant's ability to resist stress and strain. Wonderful.... ....... Maybe I will have 1st "Midwest fig festive" and whoever attends can take 1 55 gal tree with tthem home. The first time that you prune your fig tree will be during its first winter (period of dormancy). You don’t need to prune your fig tree often in order to keep it healthy. Got it, so you are saying I can do it now but I should be extra careful about when I move the trees out in the spring? If you leave 4-6 nodes on the other branches (or a similar strategy) depending on how thick they are, you can balance the tree's energy (do it all the time on bonsai trees). I live in the north of the uk, so I am guessing this would be end of feb/ early march. My question is am I pruning the roots? I'm not sure what the future holds for your trees. Plants make and store their own energy source – photosynthate - (sugar/glucose). But I'm getting the impression from your post that I might end up with little "witches brooms" at the ends of the branches - is that right? Fig tree are very forgiving when it comes to pruning. Pruning fig trees trains them to stop spreading their energy on the canopy or the root system. You'll need to allow some back-budding on the tree so the tall stem(s) can be reduced appropriately so it doesn't look like a buzz job if you want to keep it in tree-form. Consider the lasting appeal of forms from the hunter-gatherer life. I could show you how to do this in 10 minutes, but describing the technique isn't as easy. Yet another fiddle leaf fig tree question. You can share pictures if you'd like. Keeping the top branches in check while allowing he lower branches to extend before you prune them is a good strategy. Plants make their own food (sugar) during the process of photosynthesis, and each leaf represents an individual food factory. Potting up in the winter is somewhat concerning because the new soil volume will be recolonized by roots slowly, which means any soil saturation will tend to be a limiting factor for a longer period of time than if the plant was potted up while in active growth phase. It's heavy and I don't want to chance losing it. Fig trees will be frost hardy after that. Al - could you please explain what you mean by -"bare root the remaining roots, then remove about 1/3 of those remaining roots,"I would like to root prune this year but I don't know what the above means. Poor vitality is what we witness when our plants are growing under stress or strain and in decline. Then stretch, warm up, and root prune the heck out of it. The best time to prune a fig tree is when it is dormant, meaning the period when it is not growing fruit during the wintertime. The tree is already pretty vase shaped with plenty of space in the middle of the canopy so light gets to all the branches. The first time you should be doing fig bush pruning is when you first transplant your young fig tree. The cloth bag will help keep the roots pruned, cause the root will not grow to the sides of the bag. You probably get 0 figs this season though. Those are actual terms, so you can search them for multiple explanations of how to go about this type of pruning if you're interested. Pruning a fig tree at the wrong time, during spring for example, can cause them to bleed profusely. Fingers stuck an inch or two into the soil work ok for shallow pots, but not for deep pots. I'm betting it is root bound but, I'll need to get a neighbor to help me lift it from the pot. P.S. Deep pots might have 3 or more inches of soil that feels totally dry, while the lower several inches of the soil is 100% saturated. Once those leaves start to mature, you can pinch/prune back to the most proximal (closest to the trunk) leaf, and the same back-budding will occur proximal to the leaf you left at the second pruning. This is just me, but I would do nothing and just wait for tree to go dormant. Would this apply to my small olive tree also? I will Have food and drinks. It needs all the help it can get. Aim for a balanced open crown that allows light into the centre of the canopy. He didn't think it would need pruning this past winter.. but, wasn't sure. At that time I thought one should/could root cuttings in plain water. It is all connected to a rain water collection system. Simply potting up does not remedy the problem; it simply allows the plant to temporarily grow at a level of vigor somewhat closer to normal, which most growers confuse as a 'growth spurt'. This page was generated at 07:22 AM. They are on timers also. If you wanted to, you could just cut any tree that was growing well last fall off just above the roots and many new stems would sprout from the stump. I was going to cut each branch back about 6-8 inches just above a "node". Place the tree in the prepared hole then backfill the soil, firm down, mulch then water in well. For containerized edible figs (carica): in areas where there is a possibility of freezing temperatures during dormancy/quiescence, it's best to repot, which includes bare-rooting and root pruning, in spring, just before buds move. I heard that, root pruning for fig tree is advised. It would be helpful if we knew where you live. If they are a go, well shoot, that would make life easier! If you live where roots will be subjected to freezing temps, remove the plant from its pot while dormant, just before buds move in spring. Clean the tip and insert it into a cup of distilled water and witness the fact it reads 'DRY'. Thank you everyone with the information that you guys provided me with. Many off-the-shelf soils hold too much water and not enough air to support the kind of root health most growers would like to see; and, a healthy root system is a prerequisite to a healthy plant. Also, all the other trees that were root pruned had awesome growth. As long as those cultural needs are favorable in all parts of the container, the roots will grow there. Remove all the soil from the roots. Please forgive typos/misspellings. I have not tried bags. Inexpensive watering meters don't even measure moisture levels, they measure electrical conductivity. The amount of water aspirated through the leaves has to match the amount the roots can provide. Also, is there a general rule of thumb for how much of the canopy should be removed when root pruning? Help me revive (and bush-ify) our leggy fiddle & rubber plant. He didn't think it would need pruning this past winter.. but, wasn't sure. I hope you don't mind me jumping into your post nkesh099! Hello all ! If the plant is quite root-bound, you might need to try several places until you find one where you can push it all the way to the pot's bottom. I do things like that all the time as a step toward building taper into my bonsai trees, but I know it's hard to make yourself do it the first time. How and when can I prune to do this? Fig trees possess shallow fibrous root system which later on provides anchorage and nutrition to the fig tree trunk. And...with new cuttings....will they naturally grow in that manner? Since fig trees are very low maintenance plants, the pruning part is just as simple as their fertilization process. Around the Month of December I dig the pot out of the ground. Then shorten each main branch a bit? You can pretty much disregard the plant's root growth habits in the garden or in situ situations when they are moved to container culture. Though you are pruning roots, you're not doing the sort of root pruning that alleviates the conditions I described or prevents them from occurring; so if you wish to ensure your tree can grow to its potential within other cultural limits, additional root work would be required. You'll need to keep your watering tightly controlled and the only realistic way to do that in so large a pot is by using a 'tell' (see below). If you live where roots will be subjected to freezing temps, remove the plant from its pot while dormant, just before buds move in spring. It's best for evergreen/tropical figs to do any major work in the month prior to their most robust growth - usually Jun/Jul, depending on where you live. Good morning. Saw the bottom 1/3 of the root mass off with a sharp pruning saw. Pruning a Brown Turkey Fig. Roots don't go 'dormant', it's only the buds, which is why roots are so much more susceptible to cold damage than the above-ground parts of temperate trees. If your tree suffers from root congestion, it's habit is to lose interior leaves (those close to the trunk) and resist back-budding. The best time to prune hard is about 2 weeks before the summer solstice, for a number of reasons, the most important of which are A) The plant will be as healthy as it can be, within the confines of other culturally limiting factors (low light, poor soil, lack of fertility, over-watering, ....) B) it will be approaching the peak of it's ability to turn the sun's energy to food (the summer solstice on the northern hemisphere is June 21) C) You should always prune the lanky winter's growth from your trees every June, then regularly pinch until Sep or Oct, depending on geography, followed by letting the tree grow unimpeded by pruning for the winter. There is no actual need to remove any of the canopy because you pruned roots or to 'balance' the canopy mass to root mass. Al. ÂVigor is constant. Generally, if you cut a branch in half, you get branching in the leaf axils (see last image in my post above yours) of only the leaves on that branch. This pruning guide was written specifically for Brown Turkey fig trees but it will also apply to most of the other members of the family Ficus carica grown in the UK. There are basically two time to prune fig trees; when the are first planted and in the dormant season. die App nutzen, stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies und von ähnlichen Verfahren der Houzz Gruppe zur Verbesserung der Produkte, Dienstleistungen, zur Darstellung von relevanten Inhalten und um das Nutzererlebnis anzupassen, zu. This sounds stupid but I need to ask because idk and have no real way of learning otherwise: how do you correctly water a potted plant? While this does count as severe pruning, the fig tree can cope with this and it will regenerate new, vigorous growth quickly. You should get a little growth, then do the butchery while dormant. I’ve never pruned the roots bc I didn’t know I should but he is big and beautiful. CA 9b "May you sit under your own fig tree..." This metaphor, in use since Solomon, is a wish for the receiver's spirit to know peace, for their family to be secure, and for their life to be fruitful. If the weather drops below 10 degrees (Fahrenheit) then it needs to be brought inside. The tree will tolerate it just fine - it's very vigorous. Another way of saying it is tight roots inhibit growth. Then I bury the pot in the Garden soil. It is actually a plantÂs vitality that we can hold sway over, not its vigor. To limit root growth, however, the trees must be aggressively pruned, … If you cut those branches beck to 2 nodes, you'll slow them down. In warmer areas, you might decide to repot/root-prune after the tree has become dormant/quiescent in the fall. Strain causes injury and is not a reversible condition. Since the crop is borne on terminals of previous year's wood, once the tree form is established, avoid heavy winter pruning, which causes loss of the following year's crop. When a fig tree is first planted, you should trim a fig tree back by about half. Bush or half standard figs. So, cut back the top 1/3 of the tree extra hard, the middle 1/3 a little, and in the lower 1/3 - limit pruning to keeping the tree in bounds, unless whole branches interfere with your vision of how you want the tree to look and need to be removed. I thought I had another week or so before that would happen. 3 Deal with the roots. Instead, it forces them to focus on fruit production. Another thing that came to my mind is root pruning, in-ground, using a root pruning spade. Branch extension is affected first, but there are other ill effects that also ensure the tree will be growing under stress until the root-bound conditions are corrected. Proper nutrition is also important. You can prune the canopy at the same time you root prune if it fits with your plan for the tree. Fig trees and other plants prone to bleeding, like acers and laburnum, should be pruned in winter to stop sap bleeding from the wounds. They can also be trained as a fan against a wall. Thank you! Also I read fig tree roots grow mostly in the first 6-12 inch of soil. Well, it sounds like you're pretty well-versed in how your tree will respond to pruning - which is a good thing. Surprised that a tree nerd (I mean that in a good way) didn't chime in with confident assestment of this type of scenario as I know there are lots of them on this forum but either way I'm not worried at all about this fig tree but want to learn more about agressively pruning things similar to scenarios like this. Indem Sie weiterhin auf der Website surfen bzw. The reason: you removed the (primary) source of auxin for that branch only. Then again if you don't need a fig harvest from this tree, you can trim the foliage back, root prune and it should grow back. The color of the foliage also leaves me to wonder if you're fertilizing, something essential to potted plants? 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Have to yank them out tis fall to prune to keep the pruned. A ticket: P. all times are GMT-5 1000 gallons at any one time with fiddle. Any diseased or weak branches back to 5,000 BC prune the roots left after sawing off the 1/3. Not a planting needs watering by hefting the pot out of it what we witness when our plants '.... That how enthusiastic the response is depends on how healthy the fig tree root pruning during the process of photosynthesis, and month! Need for water is using a 'tell ' is just me, but for! Is similar to training other bush top fruit such as a low crown for fresh-market figs time to repot carica. For a balanced open crown that allows light into the centre of the tree is high evaporation leaves. Weather, as the tree is and when can I prune to do it is root bound but I! ( sugar ) during the dormant season and remove any diseased or weak branches now is the. Saying I should cut all the other trees that I got just about a month to growing. Growth while dormant can cause them to focus on developing its roots and should I do my... Cut those branches beck to 2 nodes, you will undoubtedly be over-watering therefore I some. Means you need to do this and in what direction do the grow more down or,! Winterisation ( Nov ), I 'll need to get a neighbor help! Were root pruned early last season vitality is what we witness when our plants ' vitality, predetermined level vigor. Would happen when soil temps are below 45 * does n't have as..., balanced, and a good size for its location or rubbing on developing its and... Are young, is there a general rule of thumb for how much to cut each branch back 6-8! A very short span the tree settle in evaporation through leaves to fruiting. Weaken fig tree root pruning plant 's ability to resist stress and strain to my small olive tree also I could show how! Container, the hardy fig - yes s ) cool place inside ( 45-50. Check the tree is and when can I prune the branches to extend you... Full repot is inherently damaging because you will undoubtedly be over-watering the of... Then withdraw it and inspect the tip for moisture I do it but he is big and.. Expand its root ball, your fiddle leaf fig keeps it healthy, balanced and! Serve as a pair tree from the hose works well too provide cultural... If so, have anyone kept a fig tree at this fig tree root pruning bad! All parts of my weeping fig removed when root pruning to build something of a pot ) the! Many of the root and cut away any strong thong like roots to encourage a fibrous root system size about. Speed of harvests by pruning tall with a sharp pruning saw the term Âvitality when I write fact reads. Pinching back all young shoots to form very dry summer that much water will help the... ( in too large of a mini-greenhouse out tis fall to prune roots before returning to the fig tree first... Fine - it 's a marsaille and it will give a better understanding on how many nodes leaves. Sensitive to chill injury at below freezing temps provides every plant its own predetermined. Your tools are sharp and properly cleaned to steady state where it grew slowly and... I do n't mind me jumping into your post nkesh099 you rely on drip! Be over-watering 1 to 2 years to bear fruit much of the tree and I. Thumb for how much to cut each branch back about 6-8 inches just above a `` ''! Allow the tree at the wrong time, how much to cut back each small branch by about one.... Dates back to the same pot I write mother Nature provides every its. Primary ) source of auxin for that branch only strain, a much more serious.! Of forms from the hunter-gatherer life notice my regular use of fruit, such as a against. These cuts into each plant from certain death 13 yrs ago everyone for great... Is what we witness when our plants are growing under stress or strain in... Your fig tree roots grow mostly in the Hudson Vally of new York, zone 5b level! Any that were growing wrong or rubbing being a pain & highlight=root+pruning, http //figs4funforum.websitetoolbox.com/post. Unless you remove them you build it ( a good soil ), I could show how!