In Jeremiah 1:12 it says: “The Lord said to me, ‘You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled’.” Sure, that was speaking of a particular time in Israel’s history, but I am sure that God still watches to see what we will do with the prophetic words … Thanks for the daily prophetic word, indeed this platform wasn’t accessed by accident, but by Devine connection.The daily word has helped me grow spiritually and is always pointing to my situation.May the Almighty grant you more wisdom and guidance to continue the good work that you are doing, Shalom Shalom. Reasing these prophecies and knowing how God had been here for me I just want to tell the whole world that God is good all tye time. Our prophetic team will go to the Father on your behalf and send our response to the e-mail you provide. I went back home, had a good cry, searched for jobs and listened to sharing the word of God. I wake up and look forward to every word that GOD is speaking to me through this ministry. I Love your prophetic words. Use the form below to request a prophetic word for yourself or your loved one. ', And indeed I say to you, My child, you are not garbage. When I read these 3 especially #3 about friends I immediately called her. Look to the Son and have mercy on me and be gracious to me. Take heart; it will be all right,” says the Lord. I am really excited about the testimony! Thank you for your ministry! When we verbally receive a prophetic word, we are agreeing with what has been prophesied and it sets things in motion to bring it to pass. We … I’m so grateful for this ministry! It is a very liberating and encouraging Word and I receive it and will continue to speak it into my life! I have given all to the Lord now. May the Lord fill you and Bless you all in Ministry to the establishment of His Kingdom on earth and Glory to His Name. Abba revealed that I overthink things, and tend to carry burdens and “work” for love and I need deliverance. Do you need prophetic guidance for your situation today? GOD WILL COME THROUGH, THANK YOU LORD FOR YOUR PROVISION AMEN! hello!thank you russ and kitty for the daily emails!they are inspirational. This blog, and all of our ministry efforts, are made possible through your partnerships, donations, and product purchases. Shalom, Jamie,i felt #1 on Tues(25/08/20),and #2 and #3 i am going through it now.People against me in church,left alone without friends and also about restore- i heard that my husband is coming over to where i am but not to me.It will be 9 months this Sept,He Hasn’t Call or Text me,but i have faith that God will bring that footsteps and that He will be ordered those two legs to come and see me.Thank you so much Jamie. I will be forever thankful for my message. But if one of them is for you, I pray the Holy Spirit would minister that word directly into your spirit and use it to lift you up. My support. Praise the Lord!! Thank you for releasing. I have previously said I am not garbage because of how leaders treated me when I was under their care it affected me emotionally and I felt torn apart I cried and prayed about it and allowed God to give me a change of heart, I realized that I didn’t have the issue it was Satan using them. This ministry speaks only what God speak to them. Praise God! An issue was causing me some stress, but the word was a timely reminder for me. You need total sanctification for favour and prosperity to flow again in your life. I’m needing all the help I can Thank you Jesus for your word. I give God Glory in advance for what will be spoken over my life. God heard me and I was able to put my 7 month old daughter in daycare today along with my 20 month old son. Please rely this to Valerie. I also want to thank Prophet Terri for doing an excellent job for filling in for Prophet Russ over the last month! Thank you for your prophetic teachings and revelations. I am still trusting and believing in God WORD to come through in and over my life. As I sought the Lord for wisdom, I was then prompted by the Holy Spirit to create a common language for this kind of prophetic … NOTE: By submitting this form you consent to receive e-mail from Father’s Heart Ministry. I I feel blessed to be where I am right now. I have truly been blessed by the words you speak from God. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I was distraught yesterday and felt it in my Spirit to call my friend! I thank him for always loving me and being with me even when I didn’t think he was and for always blessing me for being to wake up each day . I want His supernatural to flow in and through me without me causing any hindrance or delay. I continue to look to Him!!! This prophetic word would require prophetic wisdom in order to come to pass. Jeremy, your beyond accurate prophetic words completely sustained me during the darkest 10 years of my life, after my divorce!! I know he will heal my relationship . Request a prophetic Word. According to 1 Corinthians 13:9, we “know in part and we prophesy in part”. I thank God for this ministry i have been blesed .my sister was prayed for for ap back surgery and she is now on her way to recovery. I know it is stress related. Thank you guys so very much. The experiences I’ve had with this ministry has always been a blessing. Valerie Taylor Cummings has heard from the lord. (If you get an error submitting your request using the form below, please submit using THIS ALTERNATE link to do so – thanks! This ministry is a blessing. I love this Minsristries! blessing and a miracle for me and my family and friends. Box 383213 Birmingham, AL 35238 Hi its Temwa these words are for me accused at work with my bosses of being dishonest and are really draining me trying to find me a fault. I want to say thanks for the word of prophecy. For 30 years Prophet Russ and the FHM team have prophesied to thousands who needed to know the voice of God in their situation (1 Co. 14:3; 12:28; 1 Ti. As far as we go in life, and … Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. We … Thank you Jamie for praying for me and being sensitive to the Holy Spirit.I receive prophesy #2 and 3. Your ministry and prophetic words are so inspiring. The Lord heard me and shared thru you. After all, you were created to know His … Maybe the second time in my life I’ve made these, Y’all. Also many people simply need a more concise or shorter session - simply some prophetic … #2 & #3 are definitely for me. Known for his accuracy as well as bringing a fresh Word to peoples lives, he has seen many set free, healed and restored by the prophetic Word … It was an encouraging and comforting word that also confirmed some things I had been seeking the Lord for in direction as to how to pray. I sent in request for personal prophecy and donation.. When believers learn to speak in tongues, they often report that it helps to simply open their mouth and begin speaking, while anticipating (an exercise of faith) that God will fill their mouth with his words… Just keep up good work in Jesus Name Amen. All I can say is WOW! What a blessed time we had! I’ve learned to guard my heart and move out my way from frienemies. Thank you so much for your wonderful prayers and encouragement. Steven receives Many Request a Prophetic Word Online Monthly as the Word of the Lord is Strong within Him For a Personal Prophetic Word to all on this online Platform. The English word prophet is a compound Greek word, from pro (in advance) and the verb phesein (to tell); thus, a προφήτης (prophétés) is someone who foretells future events, and also conveys messages from the divine to humans; in a different interpretation, it means advocate or speaker.. Hi Jamie this massage came right I time I wasn’t feeling well today emotional broken down by pple we love but God sticks more than a friend you have strengthen me like an Eagle I can fly higher becos of your prayers have a blessed day thank u God bless you more. Your concern will be prayed over by team, and you will be personally e-mailed back your personal prophetic word … Thank you so much for your ministry. Every day I eagerly await the daily prophetic word and the encouragement I find there as I wait on my breakthrough moment!! This was me today, I was feeling unwanted, I wept before Baba about it. They are not necessarily associated with one another; but if one is for you, you'll know it. If you'd like to help, please check out the partnership details and products available for sale here. From Mona, USA “…I want to become a monthly partner, but payday is tomorrow. I’m much overweight for my height and have been worrying about an assignment God asked me to do. A few hours later went to visit a friend of mine and I came back feeling much better. A prophetic insight may be a recent word, but it is time to revisit it, and ask your Father to further unfold its meaning. Box 25232 | Chattanooga, Tennessee 37422 USA, 7 Life-Changing Prayers for People Who Feel Forgotten. AMEN. #3 was for me!! Copyright © 2020 Jamie Rohrbaugh | From His Presence, Inc. | A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Ministry | P.O. Need a prophetic word from the Lord? My spirit was saying Yes, Lord! Are You Pursuing Your Destiny and Calling in God? God bless the ministry. you can … #3 for me, #2 also. I received an awesome Word through your ministry and it confirms in a much amplified way what I sensed the Father saying to me! I cast all my cares unto the Lord and take His rest and peace. “I saw you leaning on the wall of your shower this morning and crying. Thanks for your encouraging words Jamie, May Heaven smile upon you and your work everyday. Was one of these very simple words for you today? #2, I was going through very God’s restoring my strength, my health hadn’t been wel I’ve been very fatigued, no energy, and diagnosed with prediabetes. More. Lord I lay it at Your feet. Comfort me, comfort me. If we know a prophecy is not of God, we need … I’ve been giving my friend Gino space , trying to be patient which is hard for me thanking God for comforting me while working on restoring our relationship. I just had an emotional tirade and this is definitely the word of the Father through His Spirit to me. 2 Peter 1:19 English Standard Version (ESV). I am so Blessed by this ministry. Receive Christ. GOD BLESS FHM!!!! It is powerful and such a blessing in my life! God bless you sir. You needed friendship and I gave it to you, My child. Please click on the link below for yourself or a friend. #2 is meant for me. Without further ado, here are the 7 encouraging, prophetic words the Lord gave me for you today: 1. So very encouraging both!!! Today Jamie, all 3 can fit today Thank-you. Thank you so much! I dont have money now but As Soon as i do i will be sending in a donation thanks again your minstry help pull me out of a downward part of my life so thanks again. The latter one was a bonus that I wasn’t expecting. As I sought the Lord for wisdom, I was then prompted by the Holy Spirit to create a common language for this kind … This ministry is a God given gift..Love Appreciate and Soo Grateful ❤. Prophetic word was given to me was correct and accurate. When God breathed into Adam, He released life and prophetic … Shares. Gid bless Fathers Heart Ministry and the household. This ministry has also taught me how to give prophetic words through their courses. Shares. The shower thing is for a friend I I will forward to her. Get to follow his will & only his will!! Look to Jesus and remember me. I have been receiving the Daily Prophetic word for well over 6 years now. Should an individual look to prophecy for direction in their life? A prophet is called by God to speak for Him and be His messenger. Thank you and may God continue to bless you! Today us Sept 1st and this word is for me. Please God Bless, I’m so blessed this ministry thank you so much. When abba asked me to leave I lost what I knew as my counselors. Thank you for posting these Jamie. The prophetic and the practice of giving and receiving personal prophecy is unduly questioned in the body of Christ. It has been terribly difficult at times, but as I pray deliverance from the jezabel spirit, leviathan and religiousness, it has been a rocky road and sometimes I struggle to not believe the labels I’ve been given. Your email address will not be published. God has really showed up for me. Activate the … Mysteries of Adonai. 3.) May the Lord contiune to bless you all. We need answers and we long for any indication that our prayers are working and our hopes … Scroll down to make your request. I thank God for this ministry i have been blesed. #2 but especially #3 right now. Jamie, #2 was right for me. Use this form to subscribe to the Daily Prophetic Word. I read them daily, it truly inspires me, and gives me the spiritual strength to carry on with my everyday walk with Jesus. I’ve gone through so much hell from every possible avenue. Thank you for all words of The Father going out in an open Heavenly Places YAYYY Smiles Always Friend ❤️ THANKS MILLIONS Hallelujah GLORY GLORY GLORY ✋ and more of God ❤️ HEARTS of Hearts ❤️, I am so happy I got introduced to this ministry God always leads us to green pasture, every word they’ve sent me has been on point, I finally partnered with them and so happy I did, I am making them the Prophets in my life because we definitely need a prophetic voice more than ever. Without further ado, here are the 7 encouraging, prophetic words … There’s hardly a week that it doesn’t address a specific area in my life and minister the word of God to me and my family. I please the blood of Jesus to God over our broken relationship to heal it . I look forward to the Daily Prophetic Word! My will to my Soul’s purpose & that’s all Also putting up boundaries caused friction, and being misunderstood, etc. Refuse to get over into worry and stress, for I am with you to deliver you,” says the Lord. Find more encouraging words over on my Facebook page, YouTube channel, or Pinterest account). He will fulfil what He has promised. (True prophets prophecy the truth), I prayed a decided to sow $100 NZD ‘into this word to activate its promise in my life,’ because I desire a 100 – fold blessing!”. Thankyou so much for your prophecies to me over the last year, they have helped me a lot, enriched my spirit and helped me in my walk with God. Get the help you need and pursue Me, and I will make all things whole.”, Related: You're Not Too Far Gone to Restore. I am claiming #3 for my daughter! Very accurate, praise God!!! The battle begins when the declaration, whether prophetic or not, has been spoken. Enjoy and delight in … So, thank you for participating in this community! As I read my prophetic word what a gift from heaven ,from God I can see the eco the highlights the spirit of God speaking confirming and the added blessing is the way God spoke to you that you even remarked it being something different I knew what the father was saying so I just want to give God praise because in him we live and move and have our being. By the end I was jumping up, full of faith, edified & encouraged in the Lord & decreeing & proclaiming His words of life, blessing & promise over my life. 1. I’m happy because I know that Dad Yeshua is my friend that sticks closer than a brother. Sorry babes I didn’t give you guys the scriptures!! #2 really spoke to me and in the deep recesses of my heart. … When God breathed into Adam, He released life and prophetic … These are FIVE SIMPLE WAYS that I use to test a prophetic word. 3 Things the Lord Is Telling Me RIGHT NOW ». We now offer personal prophetic ministry, a personal anointed prophetic counseling session, specifically for you, by e-mail. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Pray for me. Thank you for your readings. Also I have been carrying burdens that I literally have shoulder pain. I will sign up to become a monthly partner. I wanted you to know that this ministry is a blessing to me and I’m grateful. In Jeremiah 1:12 it says: “The Lord said to me, ‘You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled’.” Sure, that was speaking of a particular time in Israel’s history, but I am sure that God still watches to see what we will do with the prophetic words … And teachings provides spiritual oxygen for life and destiny Russ over the last year a..., help me forgive was literally feeling at the end of my heart been blessed by your daily prophetic provides! Very accurate-Prov 25:11 and Heb 4:12 Name amen read them all and pray that helps others me... 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